
给予的方式 (见赠送手册)

There are many charitable giving opportunities that may benefit you and your family.  There are multiple ways to set up planned giving, whether you have a little or a lot 没有钱投资.  There are even ways to contribute that won't cost you anything.  许多 types of planned gifts may even meet your estate planning needs. 

在线捐赠: Use our secure online system to donate using your credit card. 请使用“write” a note" option to specify where you'd like your donation directed. 


一年一度的礼物.  Whether $10 or $10,000, an annual cash gift provides a base of funding which the Foundation translates into direct support for students and programs at 威尼斯人娱乐城.  你的 gift will be used where the need is greatest unless you specify otherwise.

支持基本建设计划的巨额捐献.  Opportunities exist to provide support in several critical areas, such as much needed lab space for science classes and technology based classroom facilities, renovations for the library, and needed space for growing vocational and workforce instructional 培训.  Major gifts for capital projects can be transmitted in the form of:

  • 现金
  • 证券
  • 不动产
  • Or through the development of a charitable trust or other gift planning instrument

An entire building, a room, or a piece of equipment can be provided to the college in your name or to memorialize or honor a loved one.  对资本项目的捐赠可以 为你和你的家人留下一份永恒的遗产.

巨额捐献给捐赠基金.  Establishing an endowment to provide scholarships, professorships, or other support to the college in perpetuity is also a wonderful way to leave a legacy.  养老 funds are invested and only a portion of the interest is used on an annual basis.  The fund is perpetual and will continue to grow and provide support in your name for 大学生活和大学以外的生活.  赠与的礼物可以建立在多种形式 的方法.

计划的礼物.  Working with an attorney, accountant, or financial planner, you may discover that including the 电视文化基金会 in your estate may actually provide you with an income stream for your lifetime, reduce your current taxes, reduce state and inheritance taxes, and still provide resources for your heirs.  威尼斯人娱乐城可以给你一些建议 this might work and where a planned gift could be put to best use for the college.

The 电视文化基金会 will use your gifts in the most appropriate manner.  当你 may designate a specific use for your gift, an unrestricted gift or bequest affords the 电视文化基金会 the flexibility to respond to the greatest needs.

去寻找更多的方法 make a difference in your life and the lives of others, contact the Foundation Office at (541) 881-5585 or by email at cyasuda@geosagrada.com


捐赠给威尼斯人娱乐城基金会的礼物可以改变生活.  Students at 宝谷社区学院 have big hopes and dreams, but often times financial bumps in the road can throw them off course or keep them from moving 完全.  Higher tuition rates at community colleges are creating a challenge for 对许多人来说是危机.

The 电视文化基金会 hopes to remove the financial barriers for students by creating scholarships for qualified and deserving students.  这是基金会的目标之一 is to provide scholarships for as many students as possible, and to fund those scholarships 以这样一种方式,他们将继续随着时间的推移.  这可以通过创建“赋予”来实现。 scholarships - funds that are invested with only the interest earnings used to pay 奖学金.  本金完好无损.  捐赠永远存在 支持几代学生.

Contributors of significant gifts of $10,000 or more may "name" their scholarship 为自己或所爱的人提供资金.  少于1万美元的捐赠将被合并 others to create a general scholarship endowment for the college.  影响是 same - students are served and the community is enriched.

At today's tuition rates and using the current guidelines in the Foundation's Investment Policy, $68,400 is required to fund a full-tuition scholarship for an in-state student.  这是 based on tuition and fees totaling $3,420 for three academic quarters and the Foundation's spending rate of 5% to fund 奖学金. 


悼念和纪念s are considered ideal gifts because they are a loving honor to an individual as well as a contribution that will change lives.  悼念和纪念 gifts to the 电视文化基金会 are especially enduring because the funds help people in our community during difficult stages in their lives.  威尼斯人娱乐城基金会接受 many donations that are made to honor an event or an individual.  礼物可以荣耀 a wedding anniversary, birthday, religious celebration, or other occasion.  这是 a loving tribute to the individual honored by the gift.  纪念性的礼物是持久的 remembrance of love for the family of the deceased. 

The Foundations sends thank you letters to the donor, and informs the honoree or family 礼物的成员.  捐款数额是保密的.  你可以进贡 or memorial contribution online or mail a check to the Foundation Office.


许多 of the Administration, Faculty, Staff, and most all of the Foundation Board make 对内部运动的贡献.  有些人是现金捐赠,而很多人是捐款 通过工资扣除.  Donors may designate their contribution to one of the 以下领域:

  • 最需要的地区
  • 学生充实基金
  • Programs (mainly dedicated to a specific department)
  • 普通奖学基金
  • 捐赠奖学金

Support from Administration, Faculty, Staff and Board can really make a difference in the lives of the students we serve, and can help the Foundation convince other 捐助者的价值作出贡献.  有关如何的更多信息 donate 通过工资扣除, please contact the Foundation office at (541) 881-5585.

The 宝谷社区学院 Foundation exists to improve the quality of 威尼斯人娱乐城学生的生活